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Parking Stall Request

Parking regulations and stall request


2024-25 Parker HS Student Parking Regulations

Per SDJ policy, all students who wish to park on campus (including motorcycles and mopeds) must rent a stall in the student parking lot. This includes both the main lot and the smaller lot adjacent to the tennis courts. Any vehicle parked on school grounds during the school day without permission may be ticketed by the Janesville Police Department and/or towed at the owners' expense.

TO BE ELIGIBLE: Students must attend classes on a regular basis, demonstrate appropriate behavior while on school grounds, and must not have outstanding detentions or owe textbook or LMC books or fines.  Students parking on school grounds must abide by all regulations listed below. Parking permits may be revoked (non-refundable) as a result of unexcused absences (truancy), excessive tardiness, littering, reckless driving, or any other disciplinary concerns as determined by administration.

To request a stall, the student must complete the Parking Stall Request (Google form), which includes uploading pictures of the student's driver's license and proof of vehicle insurance (make sure dates are current), and agreeing to the rules and regulations listed below. Stickers will not be issued. Students are responsible for knowing which stall is assigned to them.

1) Beginning September 18, students are to park only in the stall assigned to them during the school day. If their stall is occupied, the student is to note the license plate of the vehicle in their stall, park in one of the “overflow” stalls (#272-280), and notify Ms. Stratton in the assistant principals’ office immediately (in person or by email PARKING IN ANY OTHER STALL IS A VIOLATION AND MAY RESULT IN TICKETING. Students are not allowed to park in lots or stalls designated for staff or visitors.  The east and rear parking lots are for staff only.  The front circle drive is visitor parking only.

2) Violations include but are not limited to: parking without valid permit or in a stall not assigned to you ($30.00),  parking outside designated stall lines ($30.00), and parking in a handicap stall without a handicap permit ($120.00).

3) Speeds in excess of 10 miles per hour and careless/reckless driving on school premises are prohibited at all times.  Careless or reckless driving may result in revocation of parking privileges and/or police citations.

4) All accidents occurring on campus must be immediately reported to the Parker liaison officer or the Janesville PD.

5) In compliance with School Board Policy 5270, vehicles may be subject to search. (Available online at - Board Policy 5270, Administrative Regulations 5270.1 and 5270.2)

6) Vehicles are not to be used during the school day unless it is the student’s lunch time and they are eligible for open campus lunch, or the student has a valid passport to leave early. Students are not permitted to loiter in the parking lot or in any vehicle during the school day including the lunch period.

7) Students parking on school grounds are responsible for locking their vehicle in order to prevent theft and loitering.

8) Stall assignments are not transferable to other students unless prior permission is given by administration.

9) Parking permits are not required for after-school or evening activities; however, just as during the school day, illegal or inappropriate driving behaviors may result in revocation of permit and/or police citations.
